The second post of our new cycle may be popular among Cracovians...and maybe will encourage others to visit us here :] We both live here since childhood so we had whole life for ,,sightseeing" our city. After this time we became insensitive to smog and we have the list of interesting places much longer than 10 positions. In spite of all, we tried to choose ,,best of the best". The effects of our work can be seen below ☟
Our winner:
Akademia Sztuki
Best teacher and climate for people interested in arts.
1. Smaki roślinne

2. Cupcake corner
3. Krowarzywa

4. Laser park

5. Galeria Krakowska
( especially Starbucks c: )
( especially Starbucks c: )
6. TAURON Arena Cracow
7. CiuCiu Artist Cukier
8. Muzeum Narodowe in Crackow

9. House of Donuts

10. Food Truck Square
1. Manggha
2. Sunstar

3. Studio "Igielka"

5. Stradivarius
6. Bershka
7. CandyMania

8. TK Maxx

9. Pull&Bear
10. Bonjour Cava
Thanks for reading!