Saturday, 12 November 2016

Shrimps&Pesto Spaghetti


Last week I promised you sth special and I have no intention to disappoint you ;) Although I won't show you exactly what I wanted ( I've some problems with peppermint oil :/ ), I decided to prepare a restaurant-like dish shrimps.
To make your cooking more comfortable, I add some


🍽 dinner meal/supper
🍤  #seafood #shrimps #spaghetti #pesto
👤 2-3 portions
⌚️ 30 min


250g spaghetti
50g butter
1 glass of sour cream (30%)
40g grated parmesan
2 spoons of pesto (I used tomato&ricotta pesto)
250g (1 packet) of shrimps
black pepper


1. Cook the pasta.
2. In the same time melt the butter on a big frying pan. Add the sour cream and about 4  pinches of pepper. Cook for 5 minutes.
3. Pour the parmesan, stir well, next add the pesto and cook for 3-5 minutes.
4. Add shrimps and cook them for 5-7 minutes. Serve with hot pasta, basil and (optional) lemon.



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